As told, we wanted to tackle the club day a bit larger than we were used to, and we were the first to look for pilots who fly with aircraft from the second world war.
This would be the theme, so of course there had to be planes from that time.
In our search we came across a group that calls itself the 13 squadron team.
This group is not a club but a group that come together at various events throughout Europe.
So when we talked to the founders of this group and expressed our ideas and wishes, it was actually arranged like this.
They liked our initiative so much that they were willing to find a number of guest pilots for us who wanted to fly with us this day.
This ensured that we came kites from all over the country on the day itself.
even from Belgium (From den Helder to Brussels.)
We also wrote to various clubs if they were interested, this also resulted in a number of beautiful and good racers.
And our friends were also out, Johan had arranged this for us, we were very happy with this because it provided a great spectacle with their jets and jets.